Tim Cook

Bravo Tim Cook

I like what he’s doing here. So much evil in the world is caused by the paradigm that a corporation’s only responsibility is to make money. Tim Cook of Apple is breaking that mold. Bravo! Tim Cook advises climate change deniers to get out of Apple Stock

Farrar Pond Village web site

Web site wows the Board

Woo-hoo! I just got back from making a presentation on our new condo web site to the Board. Most of them really liked it, except for a few old fogies that we need to drag kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I’m llooking forward to seeing where this takes us in the future. They…


Midnight in Paris

Oh man, I loved this movie! I don’t use the word “charming” often, but this movie was charming, intelligent, witty, and laugh-out-loud funny at times. I probably missed a few references, but the little vignettes of the people Gil meets after midnight in Paris are just outstanding. Okay, it was pretty obvious right from the…


The Great Gatsby

I watched The Great Gatsby on DVD yesterday. I started out being really annoyed with Baz Luhrmann’s over-the-top excesses – the loud, frenetic party scenes, the overly-glittery mansions, and the extreme “after the bomb” devastation of the “Valley of Ashes”. But I really liked Leonardo DiCaprio’s acting, and the many striking images in the film,…

Friday at the tax center

I was back to the tax center on Friday, after taking a break for Boskone, and got immediately plunged into a whirlwind of interesting tax situations. The first customer wanted to file an amended return for last year because when she’d come in last week to do her 2013 return she learned about the Massachusetts…

Boskone 51

Hard to believe I’ve been to 50 Boskones. (Yes, I missed Boskone 3. If I’d have known it was the only one I would miss, I would have made more of an effort to go. But it wasn’t a real Boskone, so I didn’t.) #51was pretty good, or so I hear. I missed a lot…

Diabetes workshop, session 4

We had an excellent 4th session of the diabetes workshop this morning. We’d missed last week due to weather, but had a good turnout today, plus three student nurses observing. One participant reported losing several pounds since the start of the workshop (“I wasn’t really trying, but I guess cutting down on sweets helped.”). Ya…