
Spring garden

  As I get ready to go away for a week, I’m wrapping up my spring garden by harvesting the rest of the spinach and the bok choi and freezing the part I can’t eat. I’ve been eating the asparagus (and feeding it to friends) pretty much as I’ve gone along. I had a great…

My sore back tells me it’s spring

Oh man, I am getting too old for this. I helped with picking garden setup this morning, although we had a good turnout of men and a few younger people for a change, so I didn’t feel too bad taking on just the easy jobs. Especially because it was pretty humid and humidity always knocks…


What a difference a week makes

It’s been a long, cold winter here in the Northeast, and spring is coming later than usual. About two weeks ago, when I would normally be thinking of planting peas, I went out to my garden and found this: Discouraging. Then last Monday, I was scheduled to lead a guide training walk at Garden and…